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The ME Project is based on the idea that we are all a work in progress. We recognize the importance of working on ourselves, and we are here to help you steer through life based on our own experiences. 


We aim to support people in their 20s as we talk about things that you may not have learned from school (because let’s be honest, we were never taught how to save up for our future homes or file our taxes). Questions like “how do I actually save up for my first car?” “How do I design my home into something I will love but is budget-friendly?” will be answered. 


We are nowhere near being life experts, but through our experiences, we aspire to be your big sisters and best friends who can give you a hand as you work on your own beautiful project - YOU!

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She grew up with the mindset that her grandmother had instilled in her which is “to dream big and keep reaching for the stars”. Her grandma would tell her every night to “look for the brightest star in the sky and that is you.” All her life, she has worked hard to be that “brightest star in the sky” but never really knew what it meant. Margoe has worked hard to achieve her goals until it exhausted her, and she never really found that she was shining her best light that way. She shines best when she knows she has helped people and when she knows she has put a smile on their face. This blog has given Margoe the opportunity to do just that. "I want to be able to proudly say one day that I have made a positive difference in someone’s life".


She's always had the mindset of an entrepreneur; she started selling handmade products at a young age and even started a few small businesses as a teenager. As someone with countless hobbies, the blog serves as a platform that brings all her passions together, and a community where she can share her talents with people with the same interests. She also aims to inspire other people with her own experiences in her 20's. She believes that we can all use our voices to create a diverse community that spreads kindness while empowering each other, especially women of colour, to break barriers and make a positive impact in our generation and become role models to younger generations.

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Carmel is a 24-year-old Psychology student who grew up in the Philippines and moved to Canada when she was 18. Previously a licensed financial advisor, she has a passion to educate young adults about personal finance. Carmel has always had a passion for helping people and making an impact in the world. Her childhood dream was to become a pediatrician, but that dream later changed into becoming a psychologist. She pursued Psychology because of the huge stigma around mental health in the Philippines. Having been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, she advocates towards bringing awareness to mental health. In her spare time, she likes to paint, take care of her plant babies, cook, bake and play with her pet fish, Doris. She was brought on to the team in July 2020, woken up from her nap one afternoon by Erika and Margoe. She never got to go back to sleep, and started working on the blog since then. She also likes to meow randomly. Meow.


"Your 20's only happen once", and it's a life which Mikee wants to make sure that she lives through well. She didn't grow up as the biggest dreamer in the world. She always just thought that her life would move in a linear direction. She always did as she was told, and did whatever was expected of her. But, as Mikee grew older, she realized that she wouldn't want to live the rest of her life that way. "I've always wanted to become something bigger than just me". She wanted to make a difference in the world--- to make a difference to someone, to let someone know that they're not alone and it's okay to feel lost. This blog has given Mikee an opportunity she never thought that she would come across. It's given her the platform to share her voice and she hopes to share it with the rest of you.

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