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Monthly Budget Tracker | #FinanceFriday

As part of our mission, The ME Project team wanted to begin a challenge with everyone that will help us continue to work on becoming our best selves. We want this blog to make a positive impact on every aspect of our readers' lives. We want to be able to help people out in any way we can, and we want to provide our readers with a “guide” if you may. We want to use this platform to discuss topics that aren't necessarily easy to talk about but are important to know, especially as you navigate through adulthood.

To be blunt, one of our personal missions one day is to be debt-free. We want to pay off all of our loans and debts we have in the bank. We want to become financially free and have the stability to do so. Does that sound crazy? Yes, we know, but you know what? It is doable. We will navigate this mission together and we want you to do the same. Why? Only because we want our readers to be stress-free, to manage their lives, and to reach their freedom. It isn’t easy, you have to not only work hard but work smarter to do so.

We want to have an open conversation about finances. We will be calling this new series #FinanceFriday. We will cover topics like comparing investing to saving, how to budget your finances each month, how to save up for your short term goals vs your long term goals, how to pay off your credit card(s), how to pay off your student loans, and many more!

This month we are so proud to introduce to you our very first project; our first tool that will help us get a step closer to better ourselves - The ME Project Monthly Budget Tracker. This spreadsheet is designed to help you lay out all your monthly bills, spendings, savings, investments, and etc. This is designed to help you physically see how much you are paying off from your loans. It also lets you break down your bills and sees what you need to be spending less on. It is also a motivational tool since you can see how much your progress is with your savings.

Every month we will talk to you about our financial progress: what we need to improve on, what we need to cut back on, how well we have chopped off our loans, how well we have saved, etc. We will talk about how we use the template and how it has worked for us. We would love it if you guys join us in this mission. To claim your FREE printable, leave us your email address and we will send you the full PDF copy of our budget tracker.

We are so excited to tackle this mission with you. Let us continue to become the best version of ourselves every single day, and work on things now that our future selves will be thankful for. We can’t wait to see how this budget tracker helps you guys! Please comment down below and let us know.

We wish you luck on your journey to financial freedom,



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