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5 Super Cheap Winter Date Ideas

Winter is here (or at least in Calgary)! For the past few weeks, we've been having Fall weather this winter. However, as the saying goes, "good things don't last forever", our warm Winter is sadly coming to an end as Canada embraces a polar vortex. I guess we can never escape the cold, but that won't stop us from having a good time! In today's post, we're sharing with you 5 SUPER CHEAP Winter date ideas that are sure to wipe away your winter blues with your valentine ;) Damn, it's almost Valentine's Day?!?!

1) Skate your heart away on the ice

faceless woman skating on ice
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels

One of our favourite activities is skating! Ironically, I absolutely can't skate! Well, not yet (gotta keep a Positive Mental Attitude)! However, it's an activity that's so fun and engaging, and will surely get you sweating off those calories. I recommend this to ice skaters of all levels — whether you're new to it or a seasoned ice skater. It's not about being the best, it's about the experience. You can hit up your local community outdoor rinks, or if you want a more scenic view — a frozen lake!

2) Take a SCENIC road trip

snowcapped mountains taken from moving car
Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky from Pexels

Alberta is home to the wonderful rockies! Whichever direction you go, you're bound to get some good views. Going on a drive with such magnificent views is honestly the most relaxing. Pair that with good music and good company (and maybe good snacks, too!), you're sure to have an amazing time. Take this time to get to know your partner a bit more. Since you're basically stuck in a box with wheels, all you two can ever do is talk and maybe sing your hearts out to your favourite songs.

3) Fine dining in your car with a view

woman in brown long sleeves sitting in the driver's seat holding steering wheel with one hand and a box of chicken nuggets on her lap
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels

So, we have this inside joke about eating inside the car. We call it "fine dining". Sarcastic? Kind of? Let me explain. Okay, we're deep in 'rona season, and restaurants are basically closed for dine-ins. So, where do people eat? Some people just eat in the parking lot in their cars. Not very romantic, but hear me out. Imagine going on that road trip; you find a spot with a fantastic view and not a crowd in sight. Before you headed on that long drive, you had ordered ramen for two to-go to warm you up on a cold winter noon. You're sitting in the car facing the breath-taking scenery right in front of you, a warm bowl of ramen in hand, jazz music softly emanating from the speakers, maybe you set up some fake tealights to enhance the ambiance, and right there beside you on the front seat is the most stunning person you've ever seen. Exactly! You don't necessarily have to drive a long way to find a good spot. Check out your local parks in the city that have an overlooking view ;)

4) Home is where the fireplace is

two women sitting on the couch talking putting cream masks on their faces
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

If it's absolutely freezing outside and there's no way you want to step out into the cold, the best thing you can do is plan a date night at home! I know date nights at home sound so overrated, but during winter, it's the best date idea to stay cozy and away from the cold. Order in from your favourite local restaurants if you're too lazy to prep a meal OR look for an interesting recipe and cook with your significant other. It doesn't always have to be Netflix and chill (but I don't blame you if that's your idea of "activities" at home *wink). Board games are always entertaining... better yet, play a murder mystery game! Whether it's Netflix and chill, game night, cooking and wine night, or spa night, you have the freedom to delight in whatever activities you enjoy as a couple.

5) Embrace the cold outdoors

ski slopes
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I saved this for last because not everybody enjoys being out in the cold (the whole point is staying out of it, right?). But for those of you who are looking for something daring and adventurous, enjoy some outdoor activities! I already mentioned skating, but that one's for more chill dates. If you want something more extreme, try skiing or snowboarding! If you're a first-timer, I admit, it's fckin hard and extreeeeemely frustrating. You don't have to master it the first time you head on to the slopes. Just enjoy the scenery, the company and eating sht on the bunny hill. All jokes aside, winter sports really do hit different. It's a different date dynamic for sure, but you're guaranteed a good time. If you're not too sure about skiing or snowboarding, try tubing!

I hope this post has helped you get new date ideas for you and your SO! There's not really much we can do during the winter, especially because of COVID, too; however, that doesn't stop us from finding ways to have an amazing time with our partners. Whatever kind of date it may be, as long as you're with the right person, it won't matter. Most importantly, please do practice social distancing protocols and wear your damn masks.

Stay warm and stay safe, lovebirds!



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