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My First Dermaplaning Experience and Why You Should Get It

Dermaplaning is actually a miracle worker that no one talks about.

Is it just me or are you guys also getting so many ads on social media about this “face shaving” technique so many people have been doing? Every time that I watch reels about it on Instagram, I get so intrigued by the results because it shows a huge difference. Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that involves delicately scraping the surface of your skin with a surgical scalpel. This treatment is actually highly recommended by dermatologists because it is highly effective to treat dull looking skin. It is kind of like shaving your face (and if you watch videos of it being done, that is exactly what it looks like) except it has to be done professionally. It promises smoother and clearer looking skin right away. It sounded very intriguing and too good to be true, but I am a sucker for anything skin care so there I went and tried it out. Lucky for you, I am here to tell you the tea about my results.

When I booked my dermaplaning appointment, I came in with zero expectations. My technician cleaned my face so there is absolutely no trace of oil, dirt or makeup. She explained to me every step that we will be taking and reassured me that though the blade looks very sharp, that it will be 100% pain free. She gave me an option of either doing the treatment on dry skin or on oiled skin. She explained that on dry skin, we will actually be getting a lot more exfoliation done vs oiled. Oiled skin is perfect for those people who have severely dry skin that gets uncomfortable without some moisture on top. I have normal to oily skin, so I managed to do just fine without the face oil, but either way, your results will come out amazing.

She worked on small sections of my face, scraping very gently and she made sure that she was ever so gently pulling on my skin to make sure she was working on a smooth surface. The whole process took about 30 minutes and it was pain free. She showed me the paper towel with my dead skin, peach fuzz, and excess hair and all I can say is wow. I cannot believe I have lasted this long without dermaplaning in my life. My skin was noticeably clearer and it felt unbelievably soft.

She had put a very light face oil on my skin after the treatment, and told me that my skin might feel very tight and raw for the next 24 hours. I was told to wear my sunscreen since my skin is now very sensitive given that it went through an intense exfoliation.

I didn't wear any make up for the next 24 hours, and just wore a light, fragrance free moisturizer designed for sensitive skin.

In those 24 hours I personally didn’t get any irritation or redness, nor did I feel any pain which was great. I do highly warn you though that my skin is 100% different from yours so please keep that in mind.

Within 48 hours, I kid you not, my skin was glowing! I felt so confident that I felt like I did not need to wear any makeup to work that day.

The lesson here is that you need to book your dermaplaning appointment with a well trusted technician because you will not be disappointed. The results are immediate and it lasts. Results will last you about 6-8 weeks but it also depends on each client's skin and cell turnover.

I think its 100% worth the hype so when you get a chance, I highly recommend you try it.




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