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Self-love : A little girl's perspective

For all the girls who are struggling to love themselves in a world that tells them not to.

You can see body standards in girls everywhere. Social or mainstream media, for example, has become so influential in the way we perceive our bodies. You’re either too tall, too short, too curvy, not curvy enough, you’re told to lose weight, you’re told to gain weight, sometimes it can seem as though nothing will ever be enough.

Every time you begin to hate your body, think of all she does for you:

Love your legs- they take you places.

Love your hands- they have dried so many of your tears.

Love your mouth- it has a beautiful voice.

Love your eyes- those orbs have seen so many beautiful people, including you.

Love your chest- for within it is a great big heart. A heart filled with so much love- keep some for yourself.

I believe that every girl’s body type- small or big, tall or short, curvy of flat, should be perceived as beautiful. Every girl should know that the problem has never been your body- the problem is what you think of your body. Your worth has never been determined on a scale. Your worth has never been determined in the mirror. Your worth has never been determined by the opinions of others.

Repeat after me:

There can never be too much sky.

There can never be too many dreams.

There can never be too much coffee.

There can never be too many stars.

There can never be too much me.

-Amanda Lovelace

In conclusion, the girl reading this is beautiful. No matter her size, no matter her height, no matter how desirable people find her. She is beautiful.

Dear [y/n], you are loved.

*writeup by the precious @mady.sflv - go follow her on instagram for a dose of self-love reminders



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