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#NoFilterFriday: Black Lives Matter

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

As part of our mission to help people become the best version of themselves everyday, we wanted to be able to talk to people about everything. That would include topics that are not so easy to talk about. We want this platform to become an open conversation between all of us. So once a month (specifically the first Friday of each month) we will address a topic that might be considered taboo, controversial, or anything that is not very easy to talk about. We want to spread light and awareness to these types of conversations as well as include links for donations or websites that will get you in contact to talk to professionals for help.

The topic that we would like to address today (which it should be a lifetime awareness) is the Black Lives Matter movement. You would have probably seen this all over the news and social media. We do not tolerate racism. Period. This is a war against injustice. It is our human right to fight for our brothers and sisters. If you were to cut all of us open we will all bleed and we will all bleed the same colour. This has been going on for years and years. So many people have suffered, and so many more people have died. All we would like to happen is for coloured people to feel safe to walk down the street. To not fear that they might not live another day. They shouldn't have to fight for their life, parents shouldn't have to worry if their children will make it back home safe and unharmed.

We have had our fair share of racism as Asian-Canadians, but we still hold the privilege of not having to fear for our lives when we get pulled over for speeding, or during routine checkpoints. We will never understand what living to be a black person is truly like, but we will never stop fighting for their rights, freedom and equality.

We stand for Black lives. We know some people will say "all lives matter" and yes they do, but all lives can't matter until black ones do. Think of this analogy: you have a lot of children to take care of, one gets hurt and needs a bandage to be taken care of. You obviously won't give all of your kids bandages, you will take care of the one that need it. But it doesn't mean that you've stopped taking care of the rest of your kids.

We want to be part of the movement to make a difference in our world, for years and centuries to come. For us to be better people than our last generation, for us to be more educated on the matter, for us to have more empathy, acceptance, understanding, love and kindness in our hearts. For our children and our children's children to live in a world where they will feel safe and accepted no matter what colour, sexuality or race they are.

Down below we have included links for donations you can donate to that support the #BlackLivesMatter. There are also countless Youtube videos that you can put on and watch through because they are donating 100% of their Adsense to these donations as well. So please help, please continue to use your voice. Please stand up and correct anyone who are making racist comments (even if they are just unaware of this), say something and let them know that it is not tolerated and it is wrong. Little by little these changes will make a difference. It will save someones life.

Here is a list of donations you can make:

Here is a list of petitions so sign:

Free videos to stream if you're not able to donate:

There are several other resources to help. If you are unsure, please educate yourselves and your peers, stand up and be an ally. If you are attending protests, please stay safe and remember to adhere to COVID-19 regulations. Do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms, and try your best to stay isolated and get tested if you do attend these events.

We hope to see you on Monday for our next post,



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