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10 Little Things You Can do to Make Your Day Better

It's important to stay happy and healthy in our everyday lives in order to live fulfilling ones. With that said, not every day is going to be rainbow and butterflies, but there are a ton of little things you can do to slowly impact your day for the better. I hope you find something in this list that resonates with you.

1. Sit under the sun!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

Sunshine causes the release of endorphins such as: serotonin! It puts you in a more pleasant mood, so go out and touch some grass and set up a chair or a blanket and just enjoy being under the sun for even just a couple of minutes. Go increase your vitamin d intake and soak up the warm sun!

2. Open your windows or doors

Photo by Tatiana from Pexels

THIS is my personal go-to when I'm stressed, angry, or just a little bit stifled by the re-circulating air. Nothing beats a fresh cool breeze, it leaves you feeling incredibly refreshed and awake. It gives your home a chance to breathe as well, introducing new scents and getting rid of the old.

3. Buy some plantssssssss

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

If you've followed our instagram page for a long time, this will come as no surprise. BUT! For as cheap as $5 you can find yourself a perfect little desk buddy who can potentially help you relieve your stress. Who wouldn't want that? Aside from that, these guys are great at absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. More fresh air for you and less carbon dioxide for the world.

4. Water, water, water!

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

PLEASE GO DRINK SOME WATERRRR. We may not know it but being dehydrated can actually cause mood swings, headaches, and fatigue, all of which can greatly impact your mood. So, do yourself a favour and get yourself a cup of water, or keep some next to you and just take some gulps whenever :D

5. Exercise

Photo by Marta Wave from Pexels

Exercising would probably be on every list and it's for a good reason. Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. You don't have to do some elaborate routine, a simple 15 minute dance or yoga session, pushups and sit-ups can help you feel better.

6. Go for a walk or a run

Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

Going outside and taking a walk or, if you want, going for a run, is definitely a great way to change up your scenery and change up the pace of your day. You might feel too lazy or hesitant to go outside but if you do, it's super worth it! You'll be getting your exercise in, feeling the sun, and possibly a nice breeze.

7. Visit a park

Want more lush greenery? Head over to your local park. If you'd like a bit more distance, go for a provincial or federal park. Nothing beats the beauty and serenity of mother earth's gorgeous creations.

8. Blast your favourite tunes

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

All I have to say is..... Sing your lungs out baby.

9. Buy some delicious food

The answer is, yes. Buy it. Get it. Eat it. You're welcome. It's okay to treat or indulge yourself. Food is always a great and obvious way to boost your mood and make your tummy happy <3

10. Call a friend

Photo by Tim Douglas from Pexels

Nothing beats having a friend by your side. If you've exhausted a lot of my suggestions on this list, then what you need is either a good pampering or for someone to just hear you out. Venting, crying, or just talking is always a great way to relieve pent up emotions and deepening your bond. Don't be afraid to reach out because if you're friends truly care for you, they'll always be there, and if a friend of ours is happy, we’re more likely to be, too.

These are simply my tips and suggestions, obviously, everyone goes through things differently and I can only offer what I know, but I do hope you try to do at least one of these little things because it can mean the difference between a good day and a bad one. I manifest good vibes for you all!

Take care!



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