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10 Useful Strategies To Help You Stick With Your Goals Throughout the Year

Happy Thursday, everyone! If you've read last Tuesday's post, we tackled the importance of manifestations and how to use a vision board to jumpstart your manifestation journey! It's the new year and most, if not all of us, want a fresh start (especially with how crappy 2020 was). We always start our year with the best intentions, goals and dreams we want to accomplish. It is always a great idea to create a plan on how you visualize your life to be. Life does happen, however and it is easy to fall off the wagon. You can easily get distracted or lose the motivation to achieve your goals, and it will lead you back to square one. We don’t want that, especially with the past year we’ve had. This post is to help you make sure that you achieve a successful 2021!

Here's 10 strategies on how you can stick with your goals:

1. Visualize

Visualize how you would feel once you achieve that goal. You need to remember how that feeling is, and how great it will be to achieve that.

2. Whine now, be thankful later

It's so easy to procrastinate and push things till the last minute. Hold on to that feeling of achieving your goal. Do your work and whine all you want, but at least you’re a step closer than not doing anything at all.

3. Get accountability

Get a friend to help you accomplish your goals, set deadlines and report back your progress. For many people, it really helps having someone to hold accountable for other than yourself.

4. Make big things, smaller

Divide your tasks into smaller, less intimidating tasks. Breaking down bigger tasks to smaller chunks will keep your mind from freaking out. This way you will more likely do it if it looks easy and fast to do.

5. Give yourself a day off

Reward yourself for making progress! Give yourself a day off to look forward to. On your day off, relax, sleep in, do what makes you happy.

6. “Just do it” as Nike would say

Take your brain out of it, and don’t think about it too much. Sometimes when you overthink a situation or a task, you tend to talk yourself into not doing it. Take a task, and just do it. Do not let your brain even think about it. Once you get started on a task, then it's too late to back out. If, for whatever reason, you find it extremely difficult not to overthink, go back to step 4. It will amaze you how starting with one little task (like getting up from bed) can get the wheels going ;)

7. Surround yourself with success

The company we have around us can make a huge impact on our lives. Keep motivated, successful people around you to help keep you on track.

8. Look back

Appreciate your work so far, and feel proud of yourself for accomplishing so much already. It doesn't have to be big accomplishments. Every win no matter how small is still a win! Give yourself some credit.

9. Prep for success

Prepare for “slip-ups”, prepare the things you need that the future you will thank you for later. For example, if you need to wake up very early for a workout, prepare your gym clothes by your bedside the night before so you don’t need to rummage through your dresser in the morning. Your brain can easily talk you into not doing things because you have to do other “tasks” to get the job done. So, do these tasks when you're motivated now.

10. You can do it

Research shows that when you actually believe in yourself that you can get the job done, it actually happens. Do not ever say “I can’t do it” because every cell in your body will believe that too. Remember to stay positive and believe in yourself. You CAN do this!

Also remember that the fact you did your research to get some help on how you can stay on top of your goals is already the first step! That means that you’re already a few steps ahead of those people who aren’t reading this. We're proud of you! You have the key to success. All you have to do is make them happen. We believe in you, and we believe that you can actually stay on top of your goals this year. You got this! And as always, you are not alone in this journey, so don't beat yourself up too much!

Remember you can always message us, and let us know how we can help you keep on top of things. Hit us up on social media and let's help each other be accountable! Let us know some of the ways that you are staying motivated this year!

Best of luck,



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