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2-in-1 Sushi Bake Recipe in 8 Easy Steps

Hello welcome back to our favourite week---FOOD WEEK! We tried a famous food trend that took over the internet these last few months and that is Sushi Bake. What is sushi bake? It is a deconstructed sushi that is baked into a casserole. This makes it quick and easy to serve a large amount of sushi to the table. It is served and eaten with nori and it is so good!! Make it for your next gathering, or for dinner and be warned that your guests are going to be asking for seconds (and thirds).

You might be wondering what's in our 2-in-1 sushi bake recipe. It's the best of both worlds with crab on one side, and salmon on the other! Keep reading down below to find out how we did this.


Step 1: Pre-heat oven to 400F. Boil rice. (You can use any type of rice if you don't have access to or don't want to use sushi rice. Make sure to wash your rice up to 5 times before boiling to get rid of the starch.)

Step 2: Once rice is done, add a thin layer of rice on your casserole dish or a foil tray if you prefer to use that.

Step 3: In a bowl, mix rice vinegar, shoyu and salt. Drizzle mixture over rice and mix until well-incorporated.

Step 3: Sprinkle some furikake on top of the rice. Go crazy with it if you want ;)

Step 4: In a another bowl, add in mayonnaise, sour cream and crab. Mix well.

Step 5: In a separate bowl, make the same mixture above minus the the crab, then add salmon.

Step 6: Add in sliced or crushed avocados, julienned cucumbers, and mushrooms on top and sprinkle sesame seeds and more furikake FOR MAXIMUM FLAVOOOOUUURRR.

Step 7: Bake in the oven for 15-20 mins!

Step 8: Drool over how good it smells, take it out of the oven, and then drool some more over how good it looks! Wait for it to cool, and serve 🙂

Okay... So, now I'm done baking it. How do I eat it? Take a piece of nori. Now, take a bite-sized piece of sushi bake and place it on your nori (you can dip it in shoyu if you'd like), and enjoy!

Nice and easy huh? We hope you enjoyed today’s post. We are very excited and proud of this one because we are actually still dreaming of our own sushi bake that we made the other day. Please let us know what you think and tag us on instagram (@themeprj) with pictures of your very own sushi bake.

Talk to you guys soon!




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