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5 Important Ways You Can Practice Self-care as a Student

Hey guys! We hope y'all had an awesome weekend! We've been busy this past week with school starting and we realized, "Hey! Why don't we do a self-care post for students?" It's so easy to get sucked into studying and trying to meet deadlines that we forget to take care of ourselves. So, here's some easy reminders on how to be mindful and to incorporate these simple tips into your routine.

1) Stay hydrated!

woman wearing sunglasses laughing while holding a glass of water with lemon
Photo by Fernanda Latronico from Pexels

Did you know that hydration actually affects learning and mental performance? It's important to stay well-hydrated as it benefits all parts of the body. If you find yourself struggling to concentrate, maybe that's a sign you should drink some water. If you've noticed, a uni student's trifecta is always a water bottle, laptop, and earphones. We won't deny that we do fit this stereotype, and we're honestly not mad. These are the essentials. So, if there's one thing you'll get from this, ALWAYS BRING YOUR WATER BOTTLE WITH YOU.

2) Physical activity

woman in white tank top doing yoga
Photo by from Pexels

This is definitely something most of us forget! When you're swamped with deadlines and exams, the last thing you wanna do is work out. But exercising actually has benefits that also improve your mental performance. When you exercise, your body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. This can help you concentrate better, improve memory and attention. Moreover, exercising also helps decrease stress and anxiety. So, make sure to fit some workout into your routine. If you're not a fan, you can start with 5 minutes of light exercise to get you started.

3) Block out personal time in your calendar

photo of planner with pens on top of a wooden table
Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

This one is very important. We always make sure to block out school work into our calendars that we forget to set aside time for ourselves. You're probably wondering why you need to do this when you can just take a break whenever you're free? We admit we've done this too, but this is always a set-up for disaster. Block out your personal time, trust us, you'll thank yourself in the end. Imagine getting so stressed out with school work, and when you check your calendar, you realize you have a day all to yourself. Doesn't that feel nice and refreshing?

4) Support services / meditation

woman in tank top sitting beside man with black shirt doing meditation
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

It's definitely undeniable that school definitely comes with its own stresses. It's important to take care of your mental health as much as your physical health. Most schools offer support services that you can utilize. If you ever find yourself in a dark place and you're not sure where to reach out, check your school's services first. Better Help is an online resource for private counselling sessions if you're not comfortable with face-to-face interactions with a professional. It's also important to practice mindfulness and meditation. You might find it difficult to do in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, it'll get easier.

5) Get as much sleep as you can

orange cat sleeping on white cat bed
Photo by Александар Цветановић from Pexels

This is the most underrated reminder: GET SOME SLEEP! Getting enough ZZZs actually help improve school performance. Lack of sleep can lead to developing health problems and decrease oxygen in your brain. If you want a better mental performance, make sure to get enough sleep. Taking some time off of your phones and other personal devices to unwind can help you get more sleep to help with both your physical and mental health. If this isn't enough to convince you, we've listed down 5 reasons why you should seriously get some sleep and 3 ways to induce it.

We hope these reminders help you to practice self-care during this semester. We're aware that this is something that doesn't happen overnight. You don't have to do these all at once. One little step is all it takes. We hope that you'll have a great semester, and remember to take care of yourselves. Watch out for more self-care tips and resources!




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