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Curious About Lash Extensions? This Review Is For You

Hey everyone! So, a few weeks ago, I posted a poll on Instagram Stories asking if you’d like a review on lash extensions… and so I deliver! Let’s skip the small talk and get right into it:

So, why did I want to try lash extensions? Well, I’ve always wanted to get my lashes done for so long, but never did. I was working jobs that didn’t necessarily require me to get myself done up. It just wasn’t worth it to get extensions at that time and so I didn’t. Secondly, my skin is highly sensitive. I was scared to risk it and find out the hard way if I was allergic to lash glue or not.

So, fast forward to 2021. We all know 2020’s been a bitch. So, I thought, “Hey, why not try a new look?”. So, I did! I was still having doubts on whether or not I should do it, and to be honest with you, I did not think about the logistics of having extensions like at all! So, it started when I asked Erika to find out if her lash lady had some special type of glue for sensitive eyes and turns out she did! And that was the trigger for me. Knowing Erika trusts this lady to do her lash extensions, I also went to her for mine.

I honestly did not know what I was getting into. First of all, if I say I don’t want them too long, is there some type of size or measurement I need to tell her? Actually, there is! They have lashes in different sizes and measure them by millimetre! I honestly did not know or could not imagine how the different lengths would look on me but, I went with 15mm, as suggested by my lash lady. So, 15-16mm fall on the longer side of the spectrum. If you want really noticeable lashes, go for something around that size. Meanwhile, if you want length, but you don’t want it too long, around 13mm would be perfect.

So, I got hybrids. Hybrids are actually a mix of classic lash extensions and volume extensions. Classics are just individual lashes stuck onto your natural lashes. Meanwhile, Volume lashes are a set of lashes stuck onto individual natural lashes. I got hybrids because I wanted them to look wispy and not as voluminous as volume lashes and not as sparse as classics.

Next is the shape! I absolutely did not know there’s such thing as shape! But apparently, there are different types of shapes you can choose from. The most common ones are cat eye and baby doll lashes. Cat eye –as the name suggests— has much longer lashes on the outer corner of your eyes to give you that cat eye look. On the other hand, baby doll lashes have longer lashes in the middle of your lash line, so your eyes appear bigger. There are more options for shapes out there. A quick search on Google will lead you to more options, and make sure to ask your potential lash lady what kind of shapes she can do!

Okay, let’s talk about lash glue. As I have said, I still got my lashes done even if I have highly sensitive skin. Please, please, please do your research ahead of time, if you do have sensitive skin, before you get lash extensions. Make sure to ask your lash lady if she has lash glue specifically for sensitive eyes. Open communication is the key! When I first got them done, I did not use the lash glue for sensitive eyes. I know that was stupid, but surprisingly, I had no reaction. I guess I’m not allergic to it, but it’s super risky lol. If you do, however, book your appointment and know you have sensitive eyes, make sure you let your lash lady know if you have any discomforts.

How long does the initial visit actually take for each appointment? Well, it depends on what type of lashes you’re doing. If you’re going for volume lashes, expect to stay laying down on your back for at least two hours! The time it takes depends on how full you want your lashes, and how quick your lash lady works. It can last from 1 hour up to 4 hours depending. The first time I got them, I was laying on my back for 2 and ½ hours! I was so disoriented when I got up and didn’t know how to use my legs when I stood up!

I was in loooove with my lashes after those 2 grueling hours on the table. Mine looked more like a light volume than hybrid, since I have sooo much hair on my lashes. After getting them done, I felt like a bad bitch and I could conquer the world. You’re not supposed to get them wet in the next 24-48 hours. I didn’t get mine wet for the first 48 to be sure. I also made sure to brush my lashes after I wake up and before I go to bed. I don’t know if most of you know this, because I definitely know that some people don’t, but you have to wash your lashes. Please, please, please wash your lashes. It’s best if you have lash cleanser, but if you don’t wanna spend extra (because we all know how expensive it can be to get extensions), simply use an oil-free cleanser and use a spoolie or your fingertips to wash gently. Don’t be pulling them out!

So, they looked really good for the first few days, but people don’t warn you about the fallouts! Oh god, the dreaded fallouts! Depending on your lash cycle (and possibly the seasons too), your lashes will either shed fast or shed a little slower than others. Now, I must admit that I picked my lashes like craaazy the first I got them! If you’ve been following us for a while (and if you haven’t, check out my Depression and Anxiety post), you’ll know that I have both depression and anxiety. Being the anxious person that I am, I like to pick on things, and when I got lash extensions, those were my best bet! I literally picked on my extensions allll damn day, especially because I’m not used to them. Most extensions usually last 3 weeks on average. Mine didn’t even last the 3-week mark.

If you get lash extensions, you’d usually have to come back every 2-4 weeks, depending on your lash cycle. For me, I think I’d have to go every 2 weeks to get fills. I don’t know if my lashes shed that fast or what, but it honestly doesn’t last long on me. My fallouts are crazy. The first time, I blame my anxious picking. But for the second time, one eye shed way less than the other and it just looked wonky. I heard it was shedding season that time that I got my fills. Apparently, most of my lash lady’s clients were having the same problems. Anyways, for fills, it doesn’t really take as much time as the first time youget them. They just “fill” any gaps or sparse areas on your lashes, so they look full again. Fills are typically cheaper than getting your first full set. Depending on where you get them, they’re usually around $10-$20 cheaper for a fill.

Since my first fill and my second appointment, I haven’t gone back and gotten them done. I have decided to stop getting lash extensions for now. When they say lash extensions are soooo high maintenance, jeez louise, they are not kidding! It’s honestly super high maintenance, and you’d really have to be mindful of how you take care of them on a daily basis. The better you make sure they’re brushed and cleaned everyday, the longer they last. Having lash extensions made me feel like a bad bitch! I’ve had so much confidence when I got them and it just feels so nice having one less thing to do in the morning. I’m basically done up the second I wake up and it saves me time and effort to put mascara or fake lashes on!

Would I ever get them again? Yes, absolutely! But it’s honestly something that I am not committed to do on a long-term basis. Maybe during the summer when I’m out more, then yes, but I wouldn’t want to have them all year round. Most importantly, getting lash extensions regularly can definitely be pricy and will absolutely add up. It just eats out a huge portion of my budget, and it’s not really ideal for me to spend that much money on a monthly basis. In Calgary, most lash extensions can range from $60-$150 depending on where you get them and what type of extensions you get. Now, imagine spending $100 every month on extensions. That’s $1,200 per year! As a full-time student without a job, I would honestly rather spend that on more important things or save it. But if you have the budget, why not? I know I totally would!

I hope this helps any of you girls pondering about getting lash extensions! You honestly don’t have to commit to it long-term if you don’t want to. If you’re just curious and want to find out if it’s for you, then go for it, girl! But I just want to remind you, that it doesn’t matter whether you’re done up or not. You’re beautiful just the way you are, and you don’t need lash extensions to be a bad bitch because you already are!

Much love



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