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Dear 2021

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Hey guys, welcome back! How was your holiday break? I hope you guys had a good one despite how different things have been this year.

I wanted to come on here today and talk to you guys about something that I started last year, and it's a tradition that I would encourage to continue. That is, to take advantage of the slow days in between Christmas and New Year's to sit back and reflect. Reflect on the past year you’ve had, and reflect on all the blessings, miracles, challenges, events and everything that you went through.

Take time to be grateful for surviving another year, and that you were given another year to make a difference in this world. Take time to plan out how you would like the new year to go. Take time to map out new adventures that you would like to go on, new skills that you would like to learn, wish and dream for an incredible year!

On December 31, 2019, an hour or two before midnight, I wrote 2 letters- one for 2019, and one for 2020. I wrote a letter saying my goodbye to 2019, I said my farewell to all the tough times and the good times I had. I wrote the letter as if 2019 was actually a person, and I was saying goodbye to that person. It really helped me to reflect on the past year I had, and it made me appreciate coming out stronger at the other end.

My other letter was for 2020, again I wrote this letter as if 2020 was a person that I haven't met yet. I wrote my hopes and dreams for the upcoming year; I wrote that I hope that this year was kinder to me, and that it gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams. I then signed both letters with my name and the time which was 11:59PM. Then, right at midnight on Jan 1,2020 at 12AM, I, again, manifested all my hopes and dreams to come true.

This year was such a tough year for many, but I was still able to fulfill a lot of those dreams that were on that letter. I encourage you to take time, and write a letter for 2021. Let's all manifest a wonderful year, and write your hopes and dreams for this upcoming year. Reflect on this past year. Write down how tough this year has been on you; how this year has challenged you; how this year changed so many things for you. Write all those things down and finally let it go. Then, allow yourself to be proud that you came out stronger. You are leaving this year stronger, wiser and better from the person you were at the beginning.

I also encourage you to make a vision board for 2021. Write down all of your goals, your dreams, and your manifestations for next year. Make a collage of pictures of things that you want to have and want to accomplish next year. Studies have shown that vision boards improve motivation, coordination, and concentration. A vision board can help you develop the skills to define and shape your mind to achieve your goals. Years down the road, you can look back at your vision board and see your visions come true.

So anyway, I hope you join me in manifesting an incredible and unforgettable new year for us---filled with love, and abundance---and may all of our affirmations and dreams come true. Let's all write a letter for 2021 to be kinder to us, and I think we can all agree that 2020 has been fun (not), but see you never again 2020.

We'll see you guys next year!

Happy New Year,



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