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5 Effective Ways to Prep for Online Classes

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Oh, 2020! This year has never failed to surprise us with appalling events and news for what seems like every single month if not, every week. As many have mentioned, the year 2020 has been the longest and shortest year at the same time, and we couldn't agree more!

As summer is coming to an end (we hate to see it, too) and a new fall semester begins right around the corner, we'd like to share some ways to help you prepare for the upcoming school year, coming from some students in our team that has had to deal with the horrors of online school for the past six months.

1. Compile all your syllabi and list down all meeting schedules and deadlines

Instructors usually release their class outline a few weeks before classes start to allow students to see an overview of the semester. I take this opportunity to assess whether the schedule and content for each class is a good fit for my semester. One way to keep track of your days, especially since you won't be going to different classrooms all day, is to list down all the virtual meeting schedules, deadlines, and exams for each class, then write them all down on your planner. I like to use a physical planner and a big calendar to place in front of my desk so I can have an overview of my whole semester and stay on top of my deadlines.

2. Plan your weekly schedule

After listing all your meeting schedules, you're now able to properly organize your week. I like to use the time blocking system, which allows me to physically block out time periods to manage my schedule and make sure I am taking enough breaks throughout the day (yes, that's important too!). I start by placing my meeting schedules into their respective times, then "booking" slots to do readings, assignments or group activities. Using this method ensures that I do not overwork myself and allow time for breaks before, in between and after a "school day."

3. Have a designated study area

I cannot stress this enough - designate an area in your house (or room) that is strictly dedicated to schoolwork. Make sure this area stays organized and quiet at all times, and most especially away from people and other distractions. As tempting as it is, try your best not to work on your bed or anywhere that you'd usually spend relaxing. Aside from helping you stay focused during class, and while doing homework, this will also give you a hard time when it's finally time to sleep, since your brain will not be able to recognize your bed as a relaxing space, but instead, it'll most likely stay active as you try to sleep. Having a designated study area also sets boundaries in your house; there are places for relaxing, and there are places to do work.

4. Dress for success

Just like doing work in bed, it is definitely tempting to stay in your pj's all day and stay comfy while doing school work. I strongly discourage this, as this will give you the illusion that you are in a comfortable zone and personally, I tend to be less motivated to do work when I'm wearing lounge apparel. With this, I do not ask you to dress super extra (although you're absolutely free to do so), but making an effort to switch out from pj's to comfortable casual clothes makes a huge difference! On days when I'm feeling a little bit extra, I even do my makeup to feel even fresher, which helps me become more productive throughout the day.

5. Products and apps to use for online school

  • It is important to have your calendar on the go with you. You can easily keep track of a breakdown of your day to day schedule.

  • Having a visual representation of your month will help you plan and strategize on which tasks to tackle first.

  • This app allows you to take notes on the go from all your devices. You can scan your handwritten notes (post its, documents, photos of whiteboards etc) in your app. You can then later find keywords in the app that will bring up your notes with your handwritten notes.

  • This app is perfect for group collaborations! It allows the team to work on a project at the same time. You can include all your notes, research, links etc all in one app.

  • Notebooks are a necessity for note taking and to write down all your research in one place.

  • I personally love Moleskin's notebooks because of how chic and convenient they are. I love their blank pages line because I like to draw and doodle all over my notes. I like my notes to look like a big brain storm page because I have arrows and lines leading to different content on the page. I don't like having lined pages control how I write, so if you're like me I highly suggest a Moleskin Blank page notebook.

  • Finding the best pens, markers and highlighters are important to keep note taking fun and doable.

With things changing rapidly during the pandemic, we understand that it can be difficult to adjust to all the changes, especially transitioning to online classes for majority of us. We initially thought that online classes were going to be temporary for the first half of 2020, but with the fall semester coming up, looks like we'd have to adjust to the new normal for now.

Can't wait to share our tips on how to have a successful on our next post!


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