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Here's Exactly How to Take Care of Your Mental Health This Semester

The ME Team is aware that most of our readers are starting school this fall (or winter, spring, or summer?), and as a team of post-secondary students and graduates, we know how mentally draining school can get, especially now that most classes are being conducted online. We'd like to share our personal tips on how to take care of your physical and mental health as a student this semester so you can ace your biggest project - YOU.

take care of mental health

Take breaks

This has been mentioned several times on our blog posts, but it's because this is the most important advice we can give. Our hectic schedules as students (and some of us work part-time) often gets too overbearing and we tend to forget to take breaks here and then. Taking breaks is important because not only does it recharge you physically, but you get to take a step back and have a clear picture of thing you need to prioritize outside of school and work.

Talk to someone

Whether it's with your friends or a professional, it is very important to share your thoughts and talk to someone about your problems. This can help release built-in emotions that take a toll on your mental health over time. As students, we don't need the extra burden of suppressed emotions, especially when we have countless deadlines to meet (we want to avoid the mid-study session breakdown as much as possible!). If you live in Canada, you can text 686868 at any time to speak to a crisis responder. If you're in any type of crisis or just simply need someone to talk to about your problems, you can access this 24/7.

Read self-help books / listen to podcasts

I wish I had discovered this earlier during university, but I have been obsessed with uplifting podcasts and books that help improve my wellbeing. Podcasts have been my go-to especially when I don't have time to read a book, as I can easily put one on while I'm getting ready for school, making breakfast or even cleaning my room (if I'm not blasting music, it's podcasts). It also teaches me valuable lessons that I can use in life, which aren't necessarily taught in class. What I love the most about it is that I get to listen to other people's opinions and expand my knowledge about certain topics and issues.

Don't procrastinate

Ah, the one thing we ALL have in common - procrastination. We are all guilty of pushing schoolwork aside and leaving things at the last minute, but please do yourself a favour and avoid doing this at all costs! Trust me, your future self will thank you. I would know, as I've obtained the "clutch queen" title from my peers since I tend to submit my assignments the minute they're due. "Due tomorrow, do tomorrow," am I right? WRONG! Not only does this produce the worst quality outcomes, but this also risks you missing your deadline if you underestimate the time you'll need to work on an assignment (again, I would know LOL). Instead, start working on your projects early and in increments, so you're not too stressed out about them. This also allows you to take breaks in between. Don't forget to reward yourself with a meal or an episode of your favourite show once you're done!


This is also a staple in our blog posts and something we will always stand by. Physical activity plays a very important role in our mental state, not only because it makes us look and feel healthier, but it also enables the release of endorphins, which are responsible for the euphoria and satisfaction we feel after a good workout. They also help in coping with pain and stress. On top of taking breaks, use your free school gym membership or even just take a quick walk around the campus; you'll be sure to see a difference immediately!

We hope these tips can help you manage your mental health this semester and you can use these for the rest of your college life. The ME Project welcomes you to the new school year of online university!



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