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Here's the Quickest Pesto Recipe That Can Spice Up Your Favourite Dishes

This time last year, our team has been planting fruits and vegetables like CRAZY. We have a running joke that we should’ve just started selling our own produce. One of the vegetables we started to plant was basil. Once you plant basil, they will start growing like crazy and before you know it, you will have way more than you can handle. So what can you make with all that basil? Pesto!

Basil pesto recipe

Here is a nice and easy recipe that you can have in your back pocket when you want to use up all your fresh basil. It is so simple to make pesto. All you need are fresh basil leaves, garlic, olive oil, nuts of your choice, lemon juice, and Romano or Parmesan cheese (optional), extra virgin olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste! That is it!

Scroll down below to see how easy it is to whip this up (honestly we don’t even know why we made a recipe because it is that simple).

Well, we told you it was too easy. We hope that you try this recipe out! You can use pesto to make pasta, sandwiches, pizza, and even as a dip. You can save this in the fridge or freeze it to make it last longer (use without cheese if you plan to freeze it) and have it handy when you want to spice up any recipe.

Let us know in the comments below if you’ve tried pesto and share with us your favourite way to have it.

We’ll see you in our next post!



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