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8 Fun Ideas to Celebrate the Holidays Safely During the Pandemic

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Happy Tuesday, everyone! December is just right around the corner and we are definitely feeling the holiday vibes already! So, I'm pretty sure most of us have heard of recent talks about a second lockdown (at least where we're from) and it's honestly quite nerve-racking, especially with the holiday season right around the corner. I'm sure the biggest question a lot of people have is, "How do we celebrate the holidays in the middle of a pandemic?".

Christmas is a time for gathering and celebrating love and community. In a world sans pandemic, we'd probably be throwing parties, events, and family gatherings by now, but that isn't exactly the case this year. So, how do we connect and celebrate a sense of community apart? How can we make Christmas meaningful in the midst of a pandemic?

We've come up with a list of 8 things you can do to celebrate Christmas together apart!

Send gifts

Online shopping has been around for a few years now, but this year, we've seen a surge of people shopping online due to the pandemic. If you're worried about going out or your city has been back on lockdown, worry less! Order gifts for your loved ones online and have it shipped to them. It's completely convenient and safe.

Zoom/ Facetime dinner

One of our biggest worries this holiday season is not being able to spend time with our loved ones and celebrate Christmas together. It can be isolating and lonely, for sure. However, with the help of technology, we are able to connect with our loved ones in any part of the world. Video calling has been part of my family's Christmas traditions since we moved to Canada. We always celebrated Christmas and New Year's with our extended family. After moving to a totally different country, we make it a point to find ways to stay connected with family. It's definitely not the same as being all together in one room, but in the midst of the pandemic, we gotta learn to be versatile and resourceful.

Make videos to send to family

One cute way to connect with family is to send them videos! Take videos this holiday season or during your Christmas dinner and send them to family. Let them know what you've been up to and zoom in on that amazing turkey you made! To make it more personal, do a vlog and compile all your videos together!

Discuss rules in advance

If you do end up celebrating with a group, make sure you set rules. As you may know, most establishments usually ask their customers COVID questions before they are allowed to come into the establishment and receive service. This can apply to your gatherings as well. Make sure your guests have not been exposed to or have tested positive for COVID. Set guidelines like, "If you're feeling unwell, stay at home (we won't hold a grudge!)". It's better to be cautious than cause an outbreak!

Wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands

If you do end up going to a Christmas dinner, make sure to wear a mask, stay two feet apart (as much as you can), and always remember to wash your hands! Keep yourself and others safe by practicing proper protocols.

Come up with fun activities

If you prefer celebrating at home (good call!), come up with fun activities you and your family can do. It can be as simple as baking cute cookies together to something competitive like charades! If you've got young ones, do some arts and crafts. It will keep them occupied and still have fun. One activity that never gets old is gingerbread house making! To make it even more fun and festive, do a competition to see who made the best house!

Take advantage of free Christmas activities

If there's anything good that came out of this pandemic, it's free stuff! There are a multitude of things you can do with your family this holiday season. Grab a cup of hot chocolate and drive around your neighbourhood and look at some Christmas lights. Attend a tree lighting show online. Go to a free-entry Christmas market. Watch free shows online from your favourite artists. Look up local activities in your area—they're mostly free!

Build a blanket fort and watch Christmas movies

Last but not the least... the most underrated and definitely a crowd-favourite—watching Christmas movies on your couch! To make it even better, grab some hot chocolate or eggnog, maybe some treats and build yourself a blanket fort! Add some fairy lights on top of your fort and BAM! Coziest way to spend Christmas. EVER.

I hope you guys enjoyed the list. This is only a few out of a billion ways you can spend Christmas safely and responsibly. Being in the middle of a pandemic doesn't mean we can't celebrate the holidays. It just means, we get to be resourceful in how we can celebrate it—no matter how unconventional! In a world full of negativity, we have to find ways to find some sparkle in life. There are soooooo many things to be grateful for. If there's one thing we've learned this year, it's being grateful. Despite the harsh reality we're living in, there is still some beauty to it. The fact that you (yes, you!) are reading this post right now and thinking of ways to celebrate with loved ones means that YOU. ARE. BLESSED. You have people in your life. Despite how isolating this pandemic can be, you are not alone. We are all in this together and that's something to be grateful for.

Happy Holidays,



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