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How to Eliminate Mask-ne with 6 Easy Tricks

Hello and welcome back! With everything going on in the world, we are now all required to wear face masks when we are out in public, which we are perfectly happy to do because we prioritize our health, as well as others around us. However, while we continue to follow these rules, we have noticed that we are now having to deal with a new problem: MASKNE. That is acne around the chin, jawline and cheeks due to wearing a face mask. Yup, we know, sounds fun right? While we were dealing with this situation we figured that we can’t be the only ones who are suffering, surely there are others (that is if you are wearing a mask which you should!).

We have come up with our own list of tricks that we have been doing to help combat acne, as well as some changes that we have incorporated into our routine since dealing with this problem.

1. Wash your face day and night

Wash Face Clean Cleanser Acne Blemish

Now is the time to keep everything clean and sanitized, that includes our face. In the morning, I use micellar water to wipe my face clean. Then, I wash my face with a cleanser that has either salicylic acid or tea tree oil, and make sure that I leave the cleanser on for about a minute to ensure that the products get deep in my pores. I then follow up with putting on a gel moisturizer because I have oily skin, (but any light weight moisturizer will do) followed by eye cream and SPF.

I also highly recommend using a Clarisonic at night when you wash your face. A Clarisonic deeply cleanses your pores up to 99% better than your hands can. It makes sure that your pores are free from any oil or dirt.

2. Make sure your face mask is clean

Wash Face Mask hanging clean mask skincare

Whether you are using a reusable cloth mask or a disposable one, make sure that they are clean. This goes without saying, but placing a dirty cloth on top of your face for more than 8 hours every single day will most definitely guarantee acne to pop up.

Treat your reusable masks like underwear and by that, I mean wash your masks everyday. Do not reuse dirty face masks. When washing your masks, be sure to use a detergent that is fragrance-free and free from any chemicals that will irritate your skin.

3. Do not wear makeup

Lately, I have saved time with my morning makeup routine by skipping half of my face. Yup, I literally will do just the top half of my face and leave the bottom half bare. I do this because I find that my pores aren’t clogged with oil and dirt, as I can let my skin breathe. Also, this has made sure that I don’t pull down my mask at all (I do this when I am absolutely alone and no one else is around me) because I know that I look silly with just half of my face done, so masks stay on all day until I get home.

4. Use clarifying face mask 2-3 times a week

At night make sure you are keeping up with your skin care routine, it is very important now more than ever! Exfoliate your skin with either a physical or chemical exfoliant (scrubs or peels). Use clarifying face masks at least 2-3 times a week. These exfoliants and masks are going to be working double time to pull out all that grime and dirt in your pores.

5. Drink lots of water

drink water hydrate hydrated skin supple skincare

Your skin is getting dryer every minute that it is behind your mask. Make sure you are staying hydrated so your skin will remain nice and supple. Drinking water will also flush out all the toxins from your body and that will definitely show on your skin.

6. Overnight Treatments

overnight treatment skin skincare spot acne blemish

Treatments that work overnight are spot treatments such as salicylic acid spot treatments, benzoyl peroxide spot treatments, and sulphur spot treatments are all really good to target your acne overnight. They will work deep down on your pore and pull out the spots that have already formed. You will notice that your zits have significantly reduced in size by the next morning.

Using overnight face masks are really good to use as well. They are a thicker moisturizer that you can use at night and sleep with it on. They are going to work to hydrate your skin and plump your skin for the next day. It is like giving your skin a tall glass of water. It will reduce any signs of dehydration and fatigue as well.

While dealing with this problem, ditching your mask is not an option. Please prioritize your health as well as others and always wear a mask in public. Remember to keep your distance and always wash and sanitize your hands. Masknes are just temporary issues that can be solved and will eventually clear up so try not to worry too much about it.

We hope that some of our tips help and let us know if you have been dealing with this issue, what have you guys been doing to help calm your skin down?

We hope to talk to you soon. Good luck!



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