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5 Encouraging Ways You Can Help Others During the Holidays

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Hi guys! Thursday is here again, and it’s time for another post. We wanted to do a ‘Holidays During the Pandemic’ series and talk about the strains the pandemic has brought on this holiday season. Christmas is definitely different this year. We might not talk about it but going through a pandemic this holiday season has absolutely affected each one of us in various ways. For some, it’s emotional. For others, it might be a financial impact. However, whatever we may be going through, always remember that you are not alone. We are going through this together. It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling in some way. But know that you are resilient. This struggle is temporary and things will get better eventually.

On our last post, we’ve talked about how you can celebrate the holidays responsibly. In today’s post, we list down ways on how you can support others during this time. Christmas is a time of sharing, kindness, and community. In today’s time, it is important for us to stay connected with one another and find ways to support each other. So keep on reading!

Reach out and check on your friends and family

The biggest struggle I’ve heard from others and have experienced myself is the feeling of sadness and anxiety. We are living in an uncertain time, and it can be scary. With places on lockdown, businesses shutting down, people losing jobs, and increasing cases, it comes as no surprise that there is an increase of anxiety and depression in individuals. If you are one of these individuals, I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. In my journey through anxiety and depression, I have gained the passion to help and support people the best way that I can. Reach out to people. Send them a message letting them know that you’ve been thinking of them. A simple ‘good morning’ or ‘have a good day’ can really make a difference. Check on your friends and family and let them know that you care and are there for them. It makes a world of a difference.

Hand out care packages

We have created an initiative called The WE Project. We make pre-packed care packages to give out to homeless people. This idea came out of encounters we’ve had with a few homeless people and not having anything at all to give them. The thought of having care packages ready to give out inside our cars sounded so smart and convenient that we started this initiative. You can do something similar and pack your own care packages with essentials like toe and hand warmers, gloves and thermal socks, and customize it the way you like. If you do, tag us on Instagram @themeprj.

Volunteer at or donate to your local shelters and organizations

If you want to do more than just handing out care packages, one good way to help out the less fortunate is to volunteer! Volunteering is fun and fulfilling at the same time. You get to make an impact while meeting new people. It’s pretty easy to look up volunteer opportunities on the web. So, make sure you do some research. Another way is by calling organizations in your area and asking what volunteer opportunities they’re currently offering. However, if you’re a busy bee, you can opt to donate to local charities and organizations, instead. Some organizations take money donations, while others also take donations of any kind. Look up local charities in your area and see which one touches your heart. Check out Donate to Canadian Charities Online | CanadaHelps for a list of registered charities in your area!

Offer a lending hand to the elderly or persons with disability

If you’ve got an elderly neighbour, or know someone with a disability, reach out to them, they’re the ones most affected by this pandemic. They may also feel isolated and lonely. With the virus affecting mostly the elderly and those with weak immune systems, they’re the most susceptible to contracting the virus, so they are more likely to stay at home. Reach out to them. Talk to them. Send them a message. Give them a call. Shovel their sidewalks. Drop off gifts. Get their groceries for them. If safe to do so, give them a visit, have tea and chat with them. It doesn’t hurt to put a bit more effort for these people. You might just be the hope they need in this darkness.

Be a support system to those who lost their jobs or are dealing with loss

It’s difficult to imagine losing your job in the midst of the pandemic. We’re living through an economic depression. With the amount of businesses shutting down and laying off workers, the possibility of losing your job is a hard pill to swallow. Yet, there are a huge number of people who are less fortunate and have lost their jobs. So, how can you support them during this time? To be honest with you, I found it extremely hard to answer this myself. But here are my thoughts. If you are like the rest of us, you’re probably not a billionaire and can’t just offer someone financial help. However, there are other ways you can support them! If they’ve lost their job and have to make changes in their life, offer as much help as you can. Encourage them. Let them know that they will rise through it. Losing a job may be shameful but it does not define them. Encourage them to discover themselves again and explore their passions. Encourage them to reach out to family and friends for emotional support. Let them know they are not alone. For instance, if they have to move houses, lend a hand and help them pack boxes. You might think that these little things won’t really make much of an impact, but they do.

I have to admit that I have lost a loved one to the virus. It’s difficult, especially being away in a different country. Although we weren’t exactly close, he was family. I was devastated. He passed away in the ICU without any family by his side and had his funeral with only one person there. It is absolutely devastating knowing that this the reality a lot of people face. Honestly, I haven’t fully recovered from this. I live with fear knowing that one of these days, someone I know will be part of the death statistics, and you can’t really run away from that feeling. Everyday, you live with grief and fear. I’ve said this a million times but check in on these people. They need you now more than ever and more than you expect. Help out in any way you can. Healing is not linear and does not happen right away. Healing takes time. Be patient with them; they live with grief. Be a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on when the world seems too heavy for them to bear. Listen and don’t push them too hard. They will heal in their own time, but they need you to help them back up.

I hope you enjoyed the post. It is a slightly emotional post considering this is everyone’s reality. We are all going through this. It is important to take care of yourself and your mental well-being, but it’s also important to be there for others. This holiday season, we have to take care of each other more than ever. After all, Christmas is about community, and there is only one way we can survive this pandemic—together.




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