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Let's Get You Motivated for Spring Cleaning!

let's get ready for spring cleaning/ woman wearing cleaning gloves wiping a shelf

Spring cleaning to me doesn't have to necessarily mean cleaning the entire home. It could honestly be whatever you make it to be, as long as it involves cleaning (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

If you've been putting off cleaning your room, or your home. Well, there's no better time to start than now. Spring cleaning is just one of those things that have become a tradition to some, while offering others a great time to begin their cleanse. Spring signals the start of a new season and a new beginning, so, let's begin your fresh start!

So, if you're like me and you have a bunch of random sh*t everywhere, and your clothes are stuffed into your dressers, or perhaps your room has developed a strange odour, (okay, maybe that's a little strange) the point is that we can let things run a little loose sometimes and that's fine, until it's not. I've looked up a bunch of articles online for cleaning tips; I've watched videos and some webinars, which have all proven extremely helpful to me. If you're interested, please check out the post I wrote about de-cluttering, here. It goes a bit deeper than today's post and I talk more about the mental aspects of holding onto objects and learning to let go.

Instead of a checklist of items to clean, I wanted to give you guys practical tips on where to begin, and what to prepare, based on my experiences and what I've learned, without specifying any objects (you can decide that). Hopefully, you guys will be able to use this guide as a starting point to your spring cleanse, as it has done for me.

1.) What are my goals?

young woman sitting on couch with a journal on her lap and holding a pen towards her mouth
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Ask yourself this question. Write it down somewhere or keep it in your head; it doesn't matter. Before starting anything big, I always like to ask myself what I want my end results to be; it's a sure-fire way to ensure you stay motivated and focused. There may be 5, 10, or 15 things you want to accomplish, so be sure to set your goals. If you need to keep and make a list, do that! If you need alarms, set them! Keeping track of goals helps you organize your time and your resources.

2.) Prepare your materials and get to it!

cleaning materials on the wall
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Now that you've set your goals, it's time to have everything you need ready. If you're going to use any kind of paint or lots of some sort of liquid, be sure to cover your floors with a sheet, especially carpeted floors! While this will ensure your floors stay clean and dry it'll also be sure to keep any dust from landing, that way you won't have to vacuum that spot later;)

Once you've re-visited your plan and made sure you have all your materials ready, get to it! I always like to say that if you want to turn any cleaning task enjoyable, add some music!

3.) Start with the biggest task

vacuum cleaner on dusty floor
Photo by La Miko from Pexels

Now, I don't know about you guys but the longer I do something, the less and less motivated I become. This is okay; we just have to be smart with our plan of action, then. Starting with the task that requires most of your time and effort will ensure that you will do a job well-done early on, without burning out too much. To keep the vibes high, play some music and get into it! After the task is complete, you'll be rewarded with the completion and beauty of your final result, encouraging you to keep ongoing.

Make sure to take frequent breaks! Focusing for too long, especially considering how physically taxing deep-cleaning can become, can take a toll on your body and motivation.

4.) Let others help!

two men cleaning tables in a restaurant
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

If you don't live alone, I highly suggest taking advantage of your living arrangements, asking either your roommates, partners, or family to help you clean! This will cut your cleaning time drastically and it gets everyone in the house moving. We all know that being at home is somewhat of a prison at this point, so why not get everyone helping to keep the space/home fresh.

5.) Remember: Not everything can be done in one day

girl on couch reading a book while roomba vacuum cleaner is cleaning the floor
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Of course, depending on what you do, not everything on your to-do list can be accomplished; Rome wasn't built in a day. If you plan to clean out your entire home this will absolutely take time. But don't let this dissuade you, because I guarantee that it will 100% worth your time. Not only will you feel good about yourself but so will your space.

My motivation has been a little rough around the edges these days and spring cleaning will be no easy task but, I think we can all agree that taking care of our homes and rejuvenating our space leaves us feeling happier. And that's a feeling I want to experience more often. I hope you have found this post useful to kick-start your spring cleaning journey! If this post does well, I can most certainly create a spring-cleaning checklist in hopes to serve you well :)




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