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Meet the Women Behind the Blog

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Hey guys! Some of you may be wondering who are behind these posts. We are very proud that from the last 6 months, we’ve managed to write posts about topics that are near and dear to our hearts that have helped people who are going through the same experiences. We’ve also managed to do product recommendations that you guys have loved and we are so grateful that you value our opinions.

We have big plans, goals and dreams for The ME Project, and we promise to work very hard to achieve them all. We plan to grow and develop this brand with inclusiveness, an open mind and an open heart, with kindness and of course to always have our readers in mind. We plan to lead with an open heart, and to make sure that all voices are heard.

The ME Project founders are:


I am Margoe! A few things about myself is I love to be around my circle of friends. They are family to me. I love coming home to my cat named Milo because the moment I walk into my room, I immediately hear his little feet running towards me. I love connecting with people and to hear their stories. I have a very supportive partner whom I am very grateful for.

My team means the world to me. Without them, the blog wouldn't be where it is today. These girls are one of the hardest workers I have ever met, and they are like sisters to me. I am grateful that I found a team who I can laugh with, and make amazing memories with. I value our friendship on top of everything else.

One thing that I want to share with our readers is that anything is possible. I know you hear that all the time, but honestly if you just put your mind and heart into a goal- you will achieve it. This blog started with a phone call to Erika to tell her about an idea, and it snowballed from there. It is insane to me how far this small idea turned to. I am very grateful she picked up my call that day.



Hi friends, I’m Erika! I’ve always kept my creative side to myself in forms of DIY projects, unpublished song covers, art journals, and even a private blog I never shared with anyone, so I was downright ecstatic when I found out that Margoe was also interested in starting a blog, especially since we shared the same idea of helping other people online.

As I was experiencing things as an adolescent, I found myself constantly turning to the internet for answers to questions that I never knew I’d even have growing up, whether these concerned relationships, finances, or just life experiences in general. I’m grateful to have a platform such as The ME Project, to be able to share my opinions about life to people who might be going through the same experiences and don’t know how to tackle them, and even share my passions and talents with everyone. I’ve recently finished my undergraduate degree in psychology, and I can’t wait to share my experiences and tips for university students and offer mental health support for all our readers!

I couldn’t have asked for a better team on The ME Project because without these hardworking women, we wouldn’t have come so far in just a span of a few months, and most especially during a pandemic! I didn’t expect for us to work effortlessly well together, but I’m grateful that I get to work with people that I’ve considered family for years. All the love for these women!



Hey, I'm Carmel and I'm the third person to join the team! Margoe and Erika woke me up from an afternoon nap. I had no choice but to say yes because I just woke up and I didn't know what was happening. I still have no clue what I'm doing. I just work here. But kidding aside, I'm so glad that they wanted me to be part of the team. I'm thankful to have a platform where I can share my life experiences—both the good and ugly (I'll share stories of the times I fucked up, so you can avoid them).

I have a dark and dry sense of humour and I'm the most sarcastic person you'll ever meet. But hey, I do get a knack out of every little thing ;) I have babbled more about the technical side of myself out on our About Us page (go check that out), but on this post, I'll tell you more about myself off the script.

I am typically a shy person, but once you get to know me, I bring a heck ton of energy into your life. Everyday is an achievement because I am a work in progress and being alive today is already something I am proud of and most thankful for. I'm proud and grateful to have met these girls and to have started this blog with them. I am absolutely lucky to work with women with the same goals and mindset as me. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and find an outlet to express my creativity and share my knowledge with other people. "You are what you think", and this blog has come to me for a reason. I am so excited for The ME Project to turn into a bigger community, where people feel welcome and have a safe space to share their experiences.



Hi there! My name is Mikee and I was the fourth member to join The ME Team. I'm an introvert on the streets, but an extrovert on the web! I go by the initials MB, so, you might recognize it at the end of some of my posts. On one fateful day, Margoe, Erika, and Carmel asked me to join them for a zoom call because of a surprise they had. Well, one thing led to another, and here I am. I've always wanted to do something more with my life, to help people, to do something about my life, and live it the way I wanted to live.

The ME Project has probably been my biggest saving grace this year, helping to fulfill my goal of making a positive difference in someone's world. It's given me the chance to revive my lost interest in creative endeavours, and it's giving me the opportunity to grow and to break out of my mold.

I absolutely love working with the rest of the girls, they bring out the best in me and in each other. I consider them to be my older sisters who unknowingly set examples (to me) of what it means to be a good role model, and what it means to be a beautiful person inside-and-out. I am so proud of each and every one of them and I love them dearly. I hope you continue to support us in the future!


We have recently started a project which we hope will grow to a bigger organization called The WE Project. The purpose of The WE project is to encourage helping your local community through handing out bags filled with essentials that will feed and help the needy. We have made these bags and handed them out to people living in unfortunate situations here in Calgary, and it brings us the utmost joy to offer some kind of help. Our dream for The WE Project is to grow worldwide and hopefully, encourage more people to keep helping out one another as we grow as a community.

Each of us have gone through long days, late nights, hard work, laughter, tears, and many sacrifices to bring you The ME Project. Each of us value every accomplishment whether it be huge or small because all of it comes as a reward for all that we’ve been through. We appreciate your comments and messages to us, we honestly talk about them for hours and talk about how grateful we are. We're here through your journey as you work on your own beautiful project - YOU!

Much love,



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