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The WE Project: Giving back

We are so fortunate to have a platform where we can voice our own opinions and we trust that we will not be judged. We hope you know that our mission with The Me Project is simply to spread love, kindness, and positivity especially in the kind of world we live in right now. We want to be able to help people.

Today, we would like to discuss what we feel is the most important Christmas gift to give away this holiday season: kindness. It is so much easier to turn your head the other way when you see that someone is in desperate need of help. 2020 alone has been such a heartbreaking year. Every month there were several terrible things that have happened, it has left the world in such a mess.

There are people who lost their jobs because of the pandemic and they cannot provide for themselves or their families. We encourage you to please seek out your local shelters and make a donation. We are also accepting donations for the care packages that we're giving out. Any amount is very appreciated because every cent goes towards helping the people in need. Every cent goes towards putting a smile on someone's face and lending them a hand.

The ME Project team has a current project we are working on to help our community, and help you help your own community. We are proud to announce #TheWEProject.

The WE Project is to represent “WE” as a community. It is our mission to lend our hands to help people around us, especially those in need. This can be done in little acts of kindness and also by offering people essentials that they need but cannot afford.

We have made brown little bags filled with essentials such as hand sanitizers, perishable food, toothbrush, tubes of toothpaste, gloves, etc. These bags are to be handed out to homeless shelters and to be kept in your car ready to be given to any person in need out on the streets. We will start by giving these bags out ourselves and eventually have friends and family spread the kindness too. Our hope is that we can give out as many bags as we can this holiday season, and keep it up for the rest of the year as well. We will use the hashtag #TheWEProject to spread awareness about this act of service online. We hope that eventually, people all over the world will hear about this and do something similar as well.

Here are some random acts of kindness you can practice in your everyday lives:

1. Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, it takes no time. It could make someone’s day and make them smile. Don’t overthink it, just say it.

2. Be kind to your server. Make effort to make eye contact with the person serving you, smile, and ask them how they are doing. This will mean so much because you never know what they can be going through.

3. Text someone good morning or goodnight. Text your friends. Tell them that you hope that they will have a great day and/ or that they get lots of sleep and rest for the night.

4. Ask a senior about their past. You will learn so much wisdom from your grandparents or the elderly. They have the best stories and amazing advice.

5. Have a judgment-free day. We as humans tend to be so quick to judge without us knowing it. Try to be kind and do not judge through your thoughts, actions, and words.

6. Befriend the new kid. We’ve all been through it, it sucks being the new kid. Get to know them, talk to them, smile, be kind. Allow them to feel welcomed.

7. Let go of an old grudge. Try your hardest to forgive. Don’t hold in that anger.

8. Buy a coffee for the car behind you in the drive-through.

9. Say hello to a stranger and ask how their day is going.

10. Volunteer to serve in a soup kitchen or a local community.

We are thrilled and hopeful that this will start a change in the world even if we are able to help just a few people. The mission is to make a positive impact in someone’s life, to make them smile, to brighten their day, and to make a difference. The goal of The WE Project is to spread more love and kindness starting with our own communities. We would like to start with these little acts of kindness; like giving out bags filled with necessities for the homeless, and volunteering in your local shelters and homes. You can always make a difference, your voice matters, your actions matter. Our hope is for this holiday season that you will join us to gift people with this opportunity. Let’s use The WE Project to make a difference, shall we?

Please comment down below, or send us a message if you have any more ideas of things we can do to give back. It makes our day when we get to communicate with you.

Till next time!




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