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Top 5 Organic Food Products

Hello guys! We haven't talked to you in what seems like ages. We have some upcoming changes coming up. We will be changing our post schedule, as well as announcing a new and exciting series coming up at the end of the month. We will also be taking a week off from the blog just to bulk up on some content that we would like to publish to make sure that they are in excellent quality for you to read. Please watch out for that announcement coming soon!

For today's post we would like to share our Top 5 Organic Food Products that are worth putting on your grocery list. Please share some of your favourite everyday food alternatives as well, we are interested to know what you guys have been eating to fuel your body the right way.

1. Almond Milk

Photo by FOODISM360

A good chunk of our team here in The Me Project are lactose intolerant. We cannot drink regular cow's milk, luckily we have found some good alternatives to add to our cereal. This milk is low in calories so it's perfect for those who are trying to watch their weight. One cup of unsweetened almond milk contains about 30-50 calories. This milk is also perfect for people who are restricting their sugar intake, especially people with diabetes since unsweetened almond milk is very low in sugar. One cup of almond milk can provide up to 50% of daily vitamin E and D requirements, which is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and stress. This drink is dairy free and vegan and is also high in calcium.

2. Oat Milk

Photo by Hjalte Gregersen

Another milk alternative that we love is Oat milk. We love putting it in our lattes, cereal, or smoothies. It's a good alternative for anyone allergic to nuts and also for those who cannot have regular cow's milk. This drink has naturally more calories than almond milk, but it provides essential vitamins that your body needs such as vitamin A, D, B2 and B12. Vitamin B is very helpful to elevate your mood, and provide healthy hair, skin and nails. Oat milk may also lower blood cholesterol and is very good for your bone health. This drink is once again dairy free, soy free, nut free and vegan.

3. Coconut Sugar

Photo by John Cutting

Coconut sugar is often seen as a better alternative for white sugar as it does a similar job to sweetening drinks and dishes while being low in fructose content and low in glycemic index. It is not refined or chemically altered and contains no artificial ingredients or synthetic substances. It looks and tastes like brown sugar with a slight hint of a caramel taste, making it a perfect sweetener for coffees or baked goods. Coconut sugar contains nutrients and antioxidants that are also beneficial for your body such as iron, calcium, and potassium.

4. Almond Butter

Photo by Dan Gold

Almond butter can serve as a healthier alternative to the preservative and sugar-filled peanut butter that you grew up with. While there is not much difference in calories, almond butter is filled with more healthy fats and vitamins such as vitamin E, iron, and calcium. Almonds also help maintain blood sugar levels, which makes this a better choice for those who are at risk of diabetes.

5. Organic Produce

You might ask why choose organic produce over just regular produce? And is there even a difference? Organic produce is grown using environment-friendly practices. Organic farming does not use any synthetic pesticides, insecticides, and/or growing medium and genetic alterations. However, organic agricultural-approved pesticides and insecticides are used in cases, wherein, crops are heavily infested and are in dire need of these chemicals (but very rarely). Since it does not use any synthetic chemicals, organic produce is safer and healthier for the body. In other words, organic produce contains much higher nutrient levels than regular produce. The bottom line is: ORGANIC JUST TASTES SO MUCH BETTER! (We love organic bananas and we've never looked back)

There are so many benefits of using organic products. It isn't only good for the body, but most organic options are healthier to the environment, as well. There is no denying that organic products do fall on the pricier side, but it is because they are not heavily mass-produced like regular products (QUALITY > QUANTITY), and are most of the time locally-made. As young adults (big children lol), we really have to stick to our budget. However, if you've got a small amount to spare in your budget, we suggest to start with one product first and see where it goes. Everything starts with one small step ;)

If you're completely new to organic products, try one of our recommend ones and let us know in the comments how you liked them. If you've already been in the organic game, share with us other products that you recommend!




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