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We Tried It - La Diperie

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Hello, hello! Welcome back to another food review post. If you missed Tuesday's post it was all about Pie Junkie’s best pies so please check that out as well. We decided to try out something new this week and that is to try out some of Calgary’s famous dessert places.

Today we are giving you our review on La Diperie's desserts.

They offer a variety of desserts ranging from soft serve ice creams to dipped cheesecakes, all with a variety of flavours to choose from that can be customized by dipping your treat into different dipping flavours like birthday dip, baileys, pistachio, etc. Your soft serve ice cream can also be topped with oreo cookies, pretzels, sprinkles, hazelnuts, marshmallows and so many more: you have a choice of either a cone or a cup.

La Diperie offers other treats like hard ice cream and donuts with mouth watering flavours (you can even customize your own donut). Their exclusive cheesecakes and cupcakes are from the world famous CheeseCake Factory, but the list doesn't stop there. La Diperie also offers ice cream cakes, layered cakes, cookies and cookie doughs, they also have crepes and hot waffles you can try.

Okay, so that mouthful of a list up there is actually just a taste of what La Diperie offers, we think it's absolutely safe to say that you have to visit this place and try out some or all of all their desserts. If you’re not a local here in Calgary, once it is safe to travel again we recommend that you plan a day to visit this place.

Now, on to the review (we're pretty excited about this one!). La Diperie opens bit late--- at 1 pm However, it's the perfect time to grab some desserts after lunch. When we went in, WE WERE OVERWHELMED with the variety of ice creams, desserts, dips and toppings! We probably spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out which one we should order!

Seeing that we were overwhelmed, the dessert expert had us try a few dips to get us started. According to her, LE ROCHER (La Diperie's take on a Ferrero Rocher soft serve) and LA DIPERIE are their bestsellers. So, one of us started with Le Rocher and it was absolutely heavenly! The soft serve was covered in Hazelnut-praline sip and topped with hazelnuts. The flavours melted perfectly together! Next up, we tried a brownie dip. It's a slice of brownie, covered with a dip of your choice and toppings! We had the Caramel Fleur de Sel dip with hazelnut toppings. It was divine! The brownie was moist and soft and the dip wasn't overly sweet. We wish we had added ice cream on top! Last but not the least, ice cream sandwich dipped in Caramel Fleur de Sel with graham toppings. This one was an absolute winner, as well. The cookie might be a bit hard to bite into because it is absolutely frozen to perfection, so you're sure you aren't gonna have a sticky mess when you're eating it in this summer heat. The cookie has really good flavour and isn't too sweet. It complements the ice cream quite well. The dips and toppings are perfect ways to sweeten this baby up! Safe to say, we finished every single bite of these desserts and we're definitely coming back for more.

We hope that you enjoyed our review on some of La Diperie's best desserts. Again, please let us know what you think of these types of posts and what else you would like us to review next. Comment down below and let us know if you have been to La Diperie and if so what is your favourite dessert?

We look forward to talking to you soon!



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