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Welcome to The ME Project

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

We are BEYOND excited to launch this website for you guys! We have been dreaming of starting something like this for a while now. While we were stuck at home in the pandemic, we thought.. why keep putting it off? We want to have a platform and use our voices to help other girls/boys that are in their 20's trying to figure out their lives. We are always giving each other tips and tricks that we have learned throughout the years so we thought we need the share some things we've learned for someone who might find it useful.

The ME Project is created with you in mind. This blog is to teach all of us how to become better version of ourselves everyday. Every Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will have posts from a variety of topics. We cannot wait to talk to all of you and hear your tips and tricks that you have learned along the way to share with everyone. Keep in mind that we are open to answer any questions and post suggestions.

We also want to address the fact that we recognize the timing of the launch of this blog, as we are all facing the battle of a pandemic while fighting for the lives of black people. With this being said, we want to use this platform to educate people and provide everyone with the opportunity to help, especially those who are not sure where to start. We want to spread more love, kindness and inclusivity, and as people of colour behind The ME Project, we want to be allies to our black peers. Black lives do matter and we stand for equality and justice.

In spite of all the negativity spreading around, please stay safe, continue to use your voices to make a positive impact in this world. Let us continue to be not only kind to ourselves, but to others well.

Don't forget to take care of yourselves and prioritize your health over anything. This is just the beginning, let's chat soon!



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