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5 Surprising Benefits of Aloe Vera

Updated: Dec 6, 2020

Aloe there! Happy Monday! One of the hobbies we've picked up during this pandemic is gardening. We have accepted our addiction to plants with open hearts... except our bank accounts haven't been happy with that decision. Gardening has been so satisfying and it has taught us to appreciate Mother Nature even more. Everyday we are learning new things about the plants that we have and their natural helpful benefits to us. Today we would like to share 5 helpful everyday uses of Aloe Vera.

1. Heal burns

Decided to cook and you accidentally burned yourself? (hopefully you tried one of our latest recipes) Well Aloe Vera will help you sort that burn out. Aloe is commonly known as the "burn plant". Many studies have shown that aloe vera is very effective in healing first to second degree burns, this includes mild to moderate sun burns. Aloe is an anti-inflammatory and helps cool down the burn, and helps keep the skin moisturized to prevent blisters and peeling.

2. Skin care miracle

As this miracle plant helps relieve skin from minor burns, it also is a miracle worker for the skin too. It can help fade acne scars and dark spots as it helps stimulate collagen production in the skin, which reduces the appearance of scars. Aloe also helps keep dry skin at bay by keeping your skin moisturized with its hydrating properties. It also helps reduce puffiness and dark circles because of its inflammatory properties. Aloe vera helps with the production of new skin cells and keeps your skin looking fresh and radiant. It's no wonder why a number of skin and beauty products are infused with aloe vera extracts.

3. Heartburn relief

Aloe vera is loaded with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. When taken internally, science shows that this juice helps detoxify the body and helps boost digestion and eliminate waste. Some studies have shown that purified aloe vera juice have helped reduce acid reflux symptoms, in some cases its better than OTC medication.

4. Refreshing healthy drink

You may have seen Aloe Vera drinks in stores and even aloe jelly in milk tea drinks and you wonder why this is a thing. Well, aloe vera is a succulent that grows wild in arid climates, so it stores water in its leaves to keep itself alive in such a harsh climate. This means that aloe leaves are basically filled with water, which makes it absolutely hydrating. With such hydrating properties, it helps your body detoxify and prevents dehydration.

5. Promotes healthy hair

We know at this point that aloe vera is packed with tons of beneficial components. So, what else is it good for? Well, applying aloe vera topically on your hair and scalp can promote healthy, luscious hair. It helps keep dandruff at bay, and helps treat hair loss. It is also great in conditioning and revitalizing dry, dull hair. Rest assured that people will be talking about your fresh new locks and asking about your hair regimen!

These are just some of the many benefits and uses of aloe vera. Who thought that inconspicuous plant sitting on your living room table is packed with tons of vitamins and minerals? BRB as we pack our carts full of aloe vera plants from the garden centre! Let us know in the comments if there are any other benefits that you might know about... and probably tips on how to care for this baby, too! Stay hydrated and let your skin glow!




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