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Native Deodorant: Is it worth the hype?

I decided to switch to using natural deodorants about 8 months ago and let me tell you, it's been a heck of a journey. Please keep in mind that natural deodorants will not stop you from sweating. That is because natural deodorants do not contain aluminum, which is normally found in regular deodorants and that ingredient is known to plug up your sweat glands.

Now, this is a controversial topic, there's so much to know about whether or not this is actually harmful to the consumer, or if it may potentially increase the risk for cancer. I did my own research on this topic and decided that the natural route is the best decision for me. There are still hundreds of people who believe that regular deodorant has not actually harmed them and they continue to use it, and that is okay. Please do your own research and remember that this is just my own opinion about this brand.

Now that I made myself clear, I would like to do this review in a way that will make it the most convenient for you. You clicked this article because you wanted to see if Native deodorant is worth it, and that's exactly what I’ll give you, straight to the point-YES and I’ll tell you why.

Here is how I judged my review: deodorizing protection, wetness protection, the longevity of the product on your skin, and if it leaves a white streak on yourself or your clothes. As I said, I started this switch a little over 8 months ago, so I have my fair share of natural deodorants that I will compare to Native deodorants. I’ll do this, just so you have an idea of which deodorant works best for your wants and needs.

Also, I am a pretty sweaty person. My main concern when I made the switch was the stink. I am pretty active. I work out a lot. If you’ve read my previous article on tips you need when running in the winter, you’d know that I run a lot. So girl, if I tell you that I’ve put these products to work; I am not lying. This post is not sponsored at all. Native doesn't even have a clue that I am doing this. I don't even think they have heard of us (yet). So these opinions are not biased at all and this post is simply here to make your deodorant purchase easier.

The rating system is judged by the number of emojis out of five.

Native deodorant is the latest deodorant that I have tried after trying out the last two. The reason why I am so surprised with Native was because of how good it did in keeping my odour at bay. I did not stink at all! As a matter of fact, I stayed smelling like a cupcake, or a candy cane (those are the two scents I decided to try). Sometimes, I’ll get a whiff of myself and think, "Wow! I wish they sold these scents in body sprays because I have stayed smelling clean and fresh". The product stays on your skin and keeps you odour-free until you wash it off at the end of the day. It does leave some white streaks on my darker coloured shirts but I do not mind that at all since I can wash them anyway. I also do not mind that I sweat just as long as I do not stink. The wetness isn't even that bad, I don’t sweat to the point where it's uncomfortable and I have to change my top.

So overall, I really love Native deodorant. It is the only deodorant that I have tried, by far, that withstands odour and keeps my underarms clean and fresh all day long. I also like the convenience of their automatic delivery every 3-4 months or depending on how often you purchase deodorant. You can also choose to pause the subscription if you still have some product left. They are now also available in Shoppers Canada which I am very excited about! Once I find it in-store, I will let you guys know.

Anyway, that is it for me today, if you guys have any questions or would like me to explain in more detail why I really like this product let me know. I just wanted to keep today’s post concise and to the point. The point is: Native deodorant is amazing, please do yourself a favour and go buy it.




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